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Community Hope Sponsors Two Annual Events Supporting Veterans at the National Guard Armory, Morristown, NJ

Free Transportation to Event for Veterans from Eight (8) NJ Counties

Veterans Hiring and Resource Fair:
November 13, 2014 - 8:00AM to 3:00PM

Third Annual Stand Down Serving At-Risk or Homeless Veterans and Veteran Families:
November 14 and 15, 9:00AM to 3:00PM

November 6, 2014

Parsippany, NJ – Community Hope, the leading nonprofit organization in New Jersey serving homeless veterans and veteran families, is sponsoring two special events the week of Veterans Day. featuring: employment opportunities for veterans, guard,  reservists and their families; education and networking for employers and job seekers; along with outreach and services for homeless and at-risk veterans.

The events include a Veterans Hiring and Resource Fair on Thursday, November 13th from 8:00 AM to 3:00PM and a two-day Veterans Stand Down on Friday, November 14th and Saturday, November 15th from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. All activities are held at the National Guard Armory, 430 Western Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey. Event supporters, along with over 100 volunteers, include the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workplace Development and Vietnam Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Red Cross, United Way Northern NJ, Curtis Consulting Group, LLC, NJ 101.5. The Morris County Chamber of Commerce will co-host the Hiring Fair networking luncheon.

At the Third Annual Stand Down, veterans and their families have access to free Federal, State, public and private support including social and personal care services, legal resources, health and dental screenings, clothing, hot lunch, housing referrals, Social Security and VA benefit information and employment assistance.

“Stand Downs provide the opportunity to engage with our neediest veterans,” said J. Michael Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer of Community Hope, whose agency will provide housing and services to more than 1,000 homeless veterans and at-risk veteran families in the next year. “We have the programs in place to help homeless veterans and the Stand Down allows us to reach those that need the most help, try to engage them and earn their trust so that they are willing to accept the basic essentials they need and the services we provide.”

The Veteran Hiring and Resource Fair is free for ready-to-hire employers to meet and interview ready-to-work veterans, guard, reservists, and their families. The event offers: “Make the Connection” workshops and Pitching Practice networking. Special job seeker one-one-one coaching services from SHRM affiliate chapter HR professionals include: career choices, translating military skills, resume review, interview, job search, and in-transition support tips from Right Management. For employers, Opus Consulting offers guidance for: on-boarding, engagement, creating affinity groups, and compliance reporting. Law firm partners from Fisher & Phillips provide guidance on ADA issues. The Get LinkedIn! booth provides job seekers with a LinkedIn profile plus a free headshot by professional photographers. The networking luncheon features career coach and “Own Your Career” radio host, Rod Colon. Register at:

The Food Service Coalition, comprised of Morristown restaurants, prepares the donated hot buffet lunches for veterans at the Stand Down. Coalition members include: The Famished Frog, The Dublin Pub, George & Martha’s, Harvest Restaurant  Group, Drip Coffee, ShopRite of Morristown, Kings Supermarkets, and Starbucks Coffee Company.

Veterans can access the Stand Down through free transportation provided at ten (10) locations in eight (8) NJ counties. Pick-up and drop-off locations to the Armory are:

Bergen: 1 Bergen County Plaza, Hackensak / Next to the Courthouse at 8:00 AM
Essex: 385 Tremont Avenue, East Orange / Bus Stop VA Hospital at 8:00 AM
Penn Station Newark, Newark / Bus Area at 8:00 AM
Morris: 122 Morris Street, Morristown / Train Station at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Passaic: 401 Grand Street, Paterson / City Administration Building at 9:00 AM
Somerset: S. Bridge Street, Somerville / Train Station at 8:00 AM
151 Knollcroft Road, Lyons / Building 1 at 8:00 AM
Sussex: State Hwy 15 & US Route 206 / Park’n Ride Chatterbox Restaurant at 8:30 AM
Union: 135 Madison Avenue, Elizabeth / YMCA Building at 8:00 AM
Warren: Call EASTON COACH to reserve a seat: 866-594-4044

The goal of the Stand Down is to help ensure that homeless and at-risk veterans are provided with supportive services and housing opportunities. In times of war, exhausted combat units requiring time to rest and recover were removed from the battlefields to a place of relative security and safety. At secure base camp areas, troops were able to take care of personal hygiene, get clean uniforms, enjoy warm meals, receive medical and dental care, mail and receive letters, and enjoy the
camaraderie of friends in a safe environment.

Today, Stand Down refers to a grassroots, community-based intervention program designed to help the nation’s estimated 107,000 homeless veterans on any given night “combat” life on the streets. Homeless veterans are brought together in a single location for one to three days and provided access to the community resources needed to address their individual  needs.

Volunteers are needed and can register to help set-up, break down or staff the event at

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